22 September 2016
Active Healthy Kids Japan Official Web Site Opens.
What is “Active Healthy Kids Japan”?
Time spent in daily physical activity consisting of sports, active play and active transport to school, and overall physical fitness levels are decreasing, while the prevalence of obesity is increasing around the world. With the mission to improve physical activity in children and youth, The Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance ( established in 2014. The Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance is a network of researchers, health professionals and stakeholders who are working together to advance physical activity in children and youth from around the world.
The Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth in 2022 will be published in 6 continents and 60 countries using 10 common indicators (Overall Physical Activity, Organized Sport Participation, Active Play, Active Transportation, Sedentary Behavior, Physical fitness, Family and Peers, School, Built Environment, and Government). The report card is the most comprehensive assessment of child and youth physical activity.