Project Name
Active Healthy Kids Japan

Prof. Chiaki Tanaka
Tokyo Kasei Gakuin University
22 Sanbancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-8341, Japan

Member (2019-2021) 

Prof. Chiaki Tanaka
Tokyo Kasei Gakuin University                                

Dr. Takafumi Abe

Shimane University

Prof. Motohiko Miyachi,
Waseda University   

Prof. Shigeru Inoue,
Tokyo Medical University

Dr. Yoichi Hatamoto,
National Institute of Health and Nutrition, National Institutes of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition

Prof. Shigeho Tanaka,
Kagawa Nutrition University   

Prof. John J Reilly,
University of Strathclyde

Prof. John J Reilly

The report card was a partnership between the J. F. Oberlin University (Dr. Chiaki Tanaka), National Institute of Health and Nutrition, National Institutes of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition (Dr. Shigeho Tanaka; Dr. Motohiko Miyachi; Dr. Yoichi Hatamoto), Tokyo Medical University (Prof. Shigeru Inoue), and University of Strathclyde (Prof. John J Reilly).


Our logo shows 3 traditional tops used in the game of Komamawashi, long a popular playtime activity for Japanese. In choosing their logo we wanted to illustrate that even play activities can contribute to physical and mental health in children and youth. Furthermore, the traditional activities and activities link the generations together and can be passed onto future generations. There games can also be played by all generations regardless of physical abilities. Although it is beyond the purview of the report card, we would also like to introduce traditional Japanese children’s game to the rest of the world.