“The 2016 Japan Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth” illustrates the state of physical activity in Japanese children and adolescents on a national scale. However, further promotion of physical activity in children and adolescences in Japan needs a more local strategy. Therefore, following the framework of the Japan Report Card, we made a report card for all of Japan’s 47 prefectures. We also made other report cards focusing on a few selected cities. In the long-term, we hope to be able to prepare report cards for even more cities and towns and even local communities. We hope that the report cards will illustrate local gaps and allow communities and researchers to detect problems particular to each local area. The 2017 Japan Local Report Card was supported by funding from the Project Research Fund of The Nakatomi Foundation in 2017 (Chiaki Tanaka Ph.D., Shipei Okada M.S., Takafumi Abe Ph.D.) and J. F. Oberlin University.
Table 1, 2 and 3 The 2017 Japan Local Report Card.